Going naked - the benefits of natural

Going naked - the benefits of natural

I bet I totally got your attention here! (chuckle)

While I’m not talking about ditching the clothes and finding your nearest nudist beach, I am encouraging you to ditch the products and everything a curl routine encompasses every once in a while! Read below why this is good for you and your hair.

If you are into bodybuilding, you get a cheat day. So, the need to give yourself a washday off is essential! Wash your hair as normal, but ditch all the aftercare products. I’m talking gels for curly hair, the mousse for curly hair or foam, the oil for curly hair and the sprays! Ditch them all and leave your hair to dry without heat.

1. It is time to BREATHE (this is my fave reason!)

Let your hair breathe and be natural for a day or two! I find this not only a great reset for my hair, (which I will expand on in a moment), but it is also a great thing to do when you find yourself obsessing over your routine, and this-or-that product, etc. ! Just slow yourself down and don't do your hair at all. You will love the break!

2. You may find you actually like your natural hair more than you thought!

The longer you are on your healthy hair journey, the healthier your hair will become! Meaning your CURLS will only improve!!!! So when you welcome in the occasional ‘naked hair day’ you will most likely surprise yourself with the natural beauty your hair holds even without the products! Go on, see what happens - I bet it will surprise you!

3. You may simplify your routine a little

Sometimes (okay, A LOT of the time,) I add little things here and there and for many different reasons. Maybe my last wash day was a flop, or maybe I watched a vlogger do something different and I tried it out on my hair. And now maybe I’ve over-complicated it!

After a ‘naked hair day’ try slowly adding back in the products and routines. As you do so make sure you see a result with each step or product, and if you don’t maybe it's time to ditch that one and keep your wash day a little simpler!

Remember, everything I am passionate about is about enhancing your natural beauty and making sure that your Curl routine is EASY! So when life is feeling too much or you're not getting the results you want with your hair, I give you full permission to have a ‘NAKED HAIR DAY’ and choose your sanity over the pressure and anxiety you may be feeling.

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