New Year's Resolutions, they're alright, but how about your New Hair Resolutions!
As the year draws to an end, we usually find ourselves making resolutions for the year ahead; career, fitness, self care and your personal life usually take precedent. The health of your hair might be one of those areas that gets overlooked, especially at this time of year.
When your hair is overworked, over-styled and under-appreciated, it's often left to the way-side and forgotten about- until it's screaming for a little TLC.
Just like the other parts of your life, if you're not regularly maintaining your curls, they will suffer!
We say No More! It’s time to take care of your hair in 2024!
We’ve created a dedicated list of resolutions to help you maintain and regain the health of your hair. We want your straight, wavy, curly and coily hair to thrive all year round!
Letting go of unattainable beauty standards is the first step towards embracing your natural curly hair. Between the unrealistic pressures society puts on us and our own expectations- it’s no wonder we strive for perfection. Even if it's totally unachievable.
Step one: give on chasing ridiculous standards and embrace your ‘imperfections’. (I use that word VERY loosely).. Frizzy hair, multiple curl patterns, unruly pieces that never seem to be in the right place - They all seem like imperfections, but they are what makes your hair type unique to YOU!
Accepting these is a vital part of your journey towards embracing your natural texture.

We get it- life is busy! And like any other part of your health regime, being organised is KEY! Whether its exercising, seeing a therapist, waxing, tinting, IPL or Nails, scheduling a regular trim for your hair is no different and will help you stay on track and maintain the overall health of your curly hair.
Rather than waiting for it to get 12 weeks (or more!) from your last salon visit, book in with your hairdresser for regular 6-8 week trims.
This way you wont be behind, forget and the bonus- you’ll fall into some really good habits for keeping your hair healthy.
** 6-8 weeks is just a guideline, speak with your stylist for a more tailored timeline to your hair type.
Whether it’s Quality Curly Hair Products, a curl education session at your local curl salon, or maybe you’ve had your eyes on a quality hair dryer + diffuser attachment to take your curls to the next level.

Our advice - Don't wait any longer- just buy it! If funds are tight- as they often are over christmas, why not ask for gift vouchers or some money towards your big purchase! More often than not people close to you love giving gifts, especially ones you really want and need! Remember, especially parents who often put everyone else above their own needs, it's OK to spend some of your hard earned money on the things you want. A little self care goes a long way!
If you’ve been thinking about cutting your long hair for a while now- DO IT! The worst that can happen is that you don't love it, and it will grow back!
Is it a risk- yes!
Will it be worth it? Probably! And if you hate it- it's a lesson learnt!
Before any big life decision- and cutting your hair IS a big life decision, it's always good to think about it. Sleep on it. If you still feel like you’re ready to take the plunge after a few weeks, or months, our advice is consult your stylist and take the jump!
‘I’d rather regret the things i've done, than regret the things I haven't done’ - Lucille Ball
Treat Yo Self!
The catch cry of 2020 has some real merit!
Treating yourself has in the past been frowned upon, but times are changing and accessories this season are IN! Curl combs, Claw Clips, Scrunchies, Nighttime sleep Protection for your curls.
Accessories for curly hair are endless and treating yourself to a new accessory a month is a great way to not only include some self love into your 2024, it's also a good way to enhance the look and style of your curls.

Type 4 Coily guys and girls we’re talking to YOU!
Embracing your 'Fro is a celebration of natural beauty for those with Type 4 coily hair.
For those with this unique texture, we encourage you to love and flaunt your voluminous, tightly coiled locks.
Wearing an Afro is not just a style choice; it's a statement of self-acceptance and pride in your naturally textured hair. With plenty of Products available for Afro-textured hair, showcasing your hair's natural strength and versatility is easy!
If you’re unsure how to get the best out of your coily hair, or you're unsure how to start - we’re here to help! Head over to our blog on Hydrating, styling and caring for your Type 4 Hair. You’ll be on your way to confidently rocking those coils and kinks in no time!
Knowing your curl type is vital for styling and caring for your curls. If you truly want to get the best out of your curly hair, it's important to first, find out what your curl type is.
There are four different hair types;
- Straight
- Wavy
- Curly
- Coily - Afro Textured Hair
Each type is unique and has slightly different care needs. Different curl types also react differently to products, styling techniques, and environmental factors.
Understanding whether you have straight, wavy, curly, or coily hair, and recognising its unique curl pattern and texture, can guide you in choosing the right products and styling methods.
Knowing your curl type helps to avoid common pitfalls like over-moisturising or under-hydrating and will ensure your curls remain healthy, defined, and looking their best.
It's not just about looking good; it's about understanding and caring for your hair's unique needs.

We ALL know the importance of sleep. For daily functioning, our overall well-being, for our skin and body to work properly, to mention a few. Often we forget that having a good sleep routine is a huge benefit to our hair. It's not just about how lack of sleep affects our health, it's also about protecting your hair from the outside. Investing in some practical items to support your curls while your sleep can be a game changer to the health and vitality of your curly hair.
- Silk or satin pillow slips will help to prevent friction from moving around while you sleep- therefore reducing tangles.
- Wearing a Sleep Cozy to bed will also reduce tangles and friction- combined with a silk pillowslip, your frizz and overall knots in the morning will reduce dramatically.
- Getting enough sleep and going to bed on time will reduce the amount of tossing and turning you do- FACT! The Sleep Foundation refers to this as Sleep Hygiene.
Do yourself a favour in 2024 and set a bedtime. Adjust your downtime settings on your watch and devices to accommodate a regular bedtime routine. Your body, mind and your hair will thank you!
Why not join an online community!
If Covid 19 taught us anything it's that online communities are everywhere! Accessible, brimming with advice and providing opportunities to make real life friendships!
These can transpire to face to face friendships, or they can remain online because of geographical challenges, however both are equally as powerful. Connecting with like minded people has been proven to benefit our overall health. highlights the impact that being part of a community of like-minded people can have.
Support, influence, sharing, connection and resources are just a few benefits they mention. So if you’re starting out on your curl journey, or you’ve been navigating it for a while, why not reach out and join a community of fellow curlies.

We have already given you a list of changes you can make to improve the health of your hair in 2024. If you have resolved to implement these changes, then way to go! If you’re still unsure, and just want some simple changes to improve your hair health- here are our top six recommendations!
- 1. Hydration: Drinking plenty of water is essential for maintaining healthy hair, as hydration starts from within.
- 2. Balanced Diet: A diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and proteins supports hair strength and growth.
- 3. Regular Exercise: Exercise promotes overall health and improves blood circulation, which is beneficial for hair health.
- 4. Stress Management: High stress levels can impact hair health, so finding ways to manage stress is important.
- 5. Avoiding Harsh Chemicals: Choosing hair products without harmful chemicals can prevent damage to your hair.
- 6. Proper Sleep: Adequate sleep is crucial for bodily repair and regeneration, including hair health.
By focusing on these six changes, you can promote healthier, stronger hair.
So, What’s your New Year’s resolution this year?

The great thing about the New Year is you can walk into it any way you want!
If that's with bags full or resolution, or whether it's simply to see what the year brings, the good news is, BOTH are great ways to see in the New Year.
Bring on 2024!
Love and Hydration xx