Spring Into Summer! A Guide to Preparing Your Coily, Wavy, Curly Hair for Swimming!

Spring Into Summer! A Guide to Preparing Your Coily, Wavy, Curly Hair for Swimming!

The gentle hum of bees, the aroma of spring blossoms (a li’l bit of hayfever ... .achoo!) and the anticipation of radiant, sun-drenched beach days…
Picture this: You're sitting by the beach, relaxed, on holidays, even. The kids are playing in the water. It's 37 degrees.
The water is literally beckoning you to dive in…

But wait, what's that? The voice in your head reminding you that you washed your hair this morning, and swimming = extra work.
The unique challenge of managing your wavy, curly hair after you've enjoyed a swim can be a total buzzkill over summer and if you’re planning on going out after, and you don't have time to wash, dry and redo your curls? Then what?
As that familiar feeling of dread hits you, know this: you're not alone!

When cooling of comes at the cost of enjoyment, we know its time to help!

Some call it vanity. We call it "curl preservation". Unfortunately it stops MANY curlies from truly embracing their summer vibe. Whether it's avoiding chlorine in swimming pools, salt water at the beach or even just the thought of having to redo wet hair post swim, preserving your curls after a wash day can be really hard work over summer.
HOWEVER, at LOHY, we are all about embracing your BEST life, and your BEST curls, and that means, finding ways around the challenges! As the age old saying goes- “there's more than one way to skin a cat”.
That's why we've put together a list of things you can do, to get the most out of your curls, AND the most of your summer!
Summer Beach Fun, Curly Wavy hair

Understanding Your Curl Type

The cornerstone of mastering summer hair care is, first, knowing your curl type. Coils, spirals, wavy, curly hair, the whole spectrum of textured hair has slightly different care needs.
So whether it's dense coils, fine wavy, medium curly hair or some bends and kinks that make your hair "not quite straight", this complete guide will give you the know-how for taking care of your summer curls.

Embracing the Natural

This summer, it's all about letting your natural texture shine through. Claw clips, scarves and scrunchies have made flicking your hair up into a quick up-do post-swim easy. These are simple solutions to allowing your hair to dry naturally without too much work to avoid frizz and fly-aways.

Accentuating wavy or curly hair is easy with the right style, and beach waves, fortunately, only take a little work if you've already got naturally textured hair.

Style-tip: Once you exit the water, "unstick" your hair from your head and tip from side to side. Gently scrunch your curls to create clumps, and watch the salt water do its thing while you dry.

Deep Dive into Moisture Post Beach

Summers spell fun but can also be hard work for our curly hair. Swimming in salt water isn't bad; it just isn't 100% good for curly hair long term either.
#FACTS: Salt, including seawater, has hygroscopic properties that draws water towards your hair, and forms tiny salt crystals. While these crystals can add volume to your hair, (think that post beach-waves look) they also pull moisture from within the hair shaft, leaving it dehydrated and fragile.
So while you may leave the beach looking like a goddess post swim, long term, for a curly swimming in the ocean wont do your hair any favours.
To combat the dryness, ensure your hair gets well-hydrated post "day at the beach". Whether it's a weekly deep conditioning ritual or daily spritzes of hydrating mists, remember that moisture is your BFF over summer!

Swim-Hair Care 101

Woman IN pool, Curly Wavy Hair

Hot tip #1 Prepping your hair for a swim

Salty water: While the beach promises relaxation, the duo of saltwater and sun can be quite taxing on all types of wavy, medium, curly hair. Before taking to the ocean for that much needed cool off, prep your hair with some protection. A quick glaze over your curls of cruise control will create a protective layer between your hair and the ocean. Pro-Tip: Washing the salt water out of your hair is KEY to caring for your curly hair over summer.
Chlorine: Chlorine is basically bleach, so anything you can do to protect your hair, curly or not, from the penetration of those harsh chemicals is important. We suggest adding a curl cream as a protective layer prior to swimming in chlorine for maximum protection. After, rinse your hair straight after.

Hot Tip #2 Tackling the wind

Windy days over summer bring equal amounts of relief as they do frustrations. While the wind feels fantastic and a cool breeze can keep us from overheating on scorching days, it can play havoc on your curly hair. Creating knots and static - Anti-frizz serums and hairstyles to keep your curls intact are your best friends on blowy days. Some days, it's simply easier to throw your curls in an updo than it is to battle to breeze.
Windy Beach Days, curly wavy hair

Hot tip #3 Change it up

Seasons change and with them can come some necessary changes to your routine. Maybe over winter, heavier gels, butters and creams worked a treat to keep your curls in form, however coming into summer what your curls actually need are more lightweight products. Lightweight Creams, mouse and foams are perfect for wavy, medium, curly hair. As we transition through the seasons, it's important to tweak your routines to ensure your curls remain looking their best. As the seasons change, often your hair does too. It’s always good to take notice and readjust your routine accordingly.

Hot tip #4 Updos and styles for sizzling summer nights

From beachy waves during the daytime to elegant updos for evening fun, summer offers endless styling options. Experiment, play, and discover hairstyles that keep you cool and looking sizzling hot!

Bonus Tip: Summer DIY Hair Masks

Why not mix a bit of summer fun with hair care? Nourishing masks using kitchen staples. Think avocado, honey, banana and coconut milk - a tropical treat for coily, wavy, and curly hair strands craving hydration.
DIY Nourishing Hair Mask
If trying your hands at whipping up your own “hair cocktail” seems a little in the too hard basket, then we have you covered! The Drench & Quench Hair Mask offers maximum hydrating benefits for dry, summer damaged hair.

Post Swim Hair 101

  • Resist that urge to towel-towel your hair. instead, give it a gentle squeeze and get rid of that extra water.
  • Dive into your beach bag, snatch that Curl Cream and the Oomph Gel for curly hair, and work that magic from root to tip!
  • If you’re going out straight after, give your curls a little extra scrunch for extra definition.
  • Once your hair has dried, or almost (95%) Shake it out to free those curls. With your hands, scrunch your crispy curls from tips to roots until they feel soft and bouncy.

Beach Bag Essentials

Beach Bag Essentials, Wavy, Curly Hair
Beach Bags MVP? Coins for a 'Mr. Whippy' of course!! Jokes aside, this summer's MVP is undoubtedly our Cruise Control Curl Cream. The absolute must-have to rock your curls this Aussie summer!
Turn the beach into your personal runway with amazing hair and jaw dropping curls no matter where you are – beaching, pool partying, or just kicking back at home let your curls steal the spotlight. Here’s to a summer of bouncy, hydrated, and absolutely jaw-dropping locks.
For more hair care tips, speak to your stylist or contact an expert at LOHY- Our Facebook page is brimming with information and on-hand help when you need it!
Love and Hydration xx

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