Dear Dyson,
I'm a big fan of your products! I have a house full! From the cordless vacuum to my very favourite Supersonic blow dryer, I am usually beyond impressed with your products.
They're reliable, efficient, and usually, everything their product description ensures they will be. However, I'm left feeling like you've really missed the mark on your recent product release. The new Airstrait Straightener leaves me needing clarification. And unfortunately, feeling a little disappointed.
I'll admit, the release of a product that promises to straighten hair from wet to dry without damaging hair due to heat AND doing it in a timely fashion, I was hooked! However, the more I looked into it, the more conflicted I felt. And I wasn't alone.
Brad Mondo's review of your new Dyson Airstrait was not only entertaining- thanks Brad! But also enlightening.
Here's what stands out.
Although it promises no heat damage through use, it is evident in the video that there is some significant heat pumping out of the device. 285 degrees in fact!
Brad emphasises several times how hot the product really is. "I will say you guys, it is hot. It burns your hands a little bit". "it is really F**king HOT*"
When I consulted Dyson's website for some clarification, a video interviewing Dyson's Global Styling Ambassador, Irinel de Leon states "And the fact that there are no straightening plates in it, it's just airflow not using any extreme heat"...
This statement seems pretty misleading when there are, in fact - two internal heat plates that heat up to 285 degrees. That's quite hot!

Raising some concerns regarding the product's suitability for textured and curly hair. Brad's initial impression was positive, but his main concerns revolve around the claim that "the Airstrait won't damage hair". He highlights that despite this assurance, the product quickly reaches a scorching temperature of 285 degrees, which poses a significant risk of heat damage.
Brad acknowledges that the Airstrait performs admirably on already straight hair. Offering benefits such as reduced noise compared to a regular blow dryer, effortless usability, an automatic turn-off feature (he is notably impressed by this feature!) also the lightweight design and a convenient one-step process.
However, when it comes to textured or curly hair that requires delicate handling during heat styling, Brad emphasises that the Airstrait falls short.
His list of cons is both candid and concerning. Considering Brad's extensive experience in the industry, his review raises valid questions about the suitability of the Dyson Airstrait for textured hair.

The product's high temperature and limited capabilities would undoubtedly pose a risk of heat damage, making it unsuitable for those with curly or textured hair who require alternative styling options.
Our final thoughts - do your research! Don't always believe everything you read online, and always trust your gut! Yes, manufacturers are responsible for being transparent and upfront about their products, but we know thats not always the case. And we consumers, too, have an equal; responsibility to suss out our products before we buy.
New gadgets will come and go, and if you need more clarification on using anything on your hair, ask your hairdresser. A quick phone call can save you a multitude of problems in the future.